Research, Production and Extension (RPE)


Research, Production and Extension (RPE) Division is one of the three Divisions in the University. The Division was set up when JKUAT, then JKUCAT became a constituent College of Kenyatta University in 1987 under the headship of a Deputy Principal. In 1994 when JKUAT attained the charter to operate as a fully-fledged university, the headship changed to a Deputy Vice Chancellor.

DVC’s Vision For RPE Division


In line with the Division’s vision to be ” A University of Global Excellence in Research and Innovation for Development” which is anchored on that of the University, I envision Research,Production and Extension (RPE) as a division with state of the art facilities, with seasoned and motivated researchers, Research and Innovation Managers , and an operating industrial park and business incubation center in relevant thematic areas . These will be incorporated in the Strategic Plan 2018-2022 development. These strategies when implemented, will contribute to making JKUAT a University of Global Excellence in Training,Research and Innovation for Development.

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