Service Charter

JKUAT is committed to high quality service to its customers.


Here are the service standards that you should expect when being served.

The following is a document that details Service Delivery Processes.Commitment to Courtesy and Excellence in Service Delivery any service that does not conform to the above standards or any officer who does not live up to commitment to courtesy and excellence in Service Delivery should be reported to:

Vice Chancellor on Hotline Number 0790257393 or email:

Office of University Ombudsman, JKUAT main campus, Technology House 4th floor. Email:

The Commission Secretary/ Chief Executive Officer, Commission on Administrative Justice, 2nd Floor, West End Towers off Waiyaki Way – Westlands, Nairobi. P.O. Box 20414 – 00200 Nairobi. Tel: +254-20-2270000  Toll Free Line: 0800 221 349

Email:      Web:

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