JKUAT and Laikipia County Enter a 3-year Collaborative Agreement

JKUAT and Laikipia County Enter a 3-year Collaborative Agreement

Successful technology transfer requires a supportive ecosystem involving collaboration between academia, government, industry, and various stakeholders. These were the sentiments of the Laikipia Governor, H.E Governor Joshua Irungu during a Memorandum of Understanding signing ceremony between JKUAT and his county, November 29, 2023.

“There is a dire need to bridge the gap between our universities’ research endeavors and the nation’s citizens for the advancement of society and sustainable development,” said Governor Irungu.

Lauding JKUAT’s exceptional expertise in research, the Governor underscored the importance of leveraging the partnership to establish a robust framework. According to him, the framework should serve as a blueprint that can be adopted and replicated nationwide.

“By showcasing a successful working model, it becomes a catalyst for other counties to emulate, fostering a widespread culture of impactful research and collaboration throughout the country,” said Governor Irungu.

For the next three years, JKUAT and Laikipia County are set to forge a collaborative partnership spanning various critical domains. These include Agriculture and Livestock Production, Water, Environment, and Natural Resources, as well as Trade and Investment.

Exchange of the collaboration documents

Additionally, the collaboration will extend its focus to encompass Education, Infrastructure, Health, and other key sectors pivotal for comprehensive regional development.

Vice Chancellor, Prof. Victoria Wambui Ngumi reassured Governor, Irungu, affirming that JKUAT stands as an ideal collaborator for their shared vision. She emphasized the university’s strong commitment to technology transfer, highlighting its capacity to generate significant knowledge and impactful research.

She said the goal as a University is to leverage knowledge generated to address societal challenges and uplift communities with a focus on aligning JKUAT’s efforts with ambitious national and continental agendas such as Vision 2030, Kenya’s Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda, and Africa’s Agenda 2063.

“As a University, we aims to drive economic growth, foster innovation, and create tangible societal change through its research and initiatives,” said Prof. Ngumi.

The governor was accompanied by his County Executives in-charge of Trade and Agriculture, Livestock ad Fisheries, Mr. Stephen Kosorio and Dennis Kavou respectively.

Also in the meeting was Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research Production and Extension, Prof. Jackson Kwanza, Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration and Finance, Dr. Eng. Hiram Ndiritu and faculty member from the Colleges of Engineering and Technology, Agriculture and Natural Resources and Human Resource and Development.

JKUAT and Laikipia County Enter a 3-year Collaborative Agreement

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