University Anthem

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University Anthem Wimbo wa Chuo(Swahili)
In great and firm reverence to God
Built on a clear and sound vision still
Training, studying research and practice
To make a world-class University
Twamshukuru Mungu Wetu
Msingi dhabiti, maono mazuri
Kusoma, ujuzi pia utafiti
Kuunda Chuo Kikuu duniani
Steadfast and sure, in service today
Built on a clear vision, and mission
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
A world-class institution of excellence for development
Imara kweli, kwa huduma
Matumaini kwa maono kweli
Jomo Kenyatta chuo chetu, cha Kilimo na Teknolojia
Chuo cha kimataifa, kimestawi na kunawiri
From inception through the ages
In true call of wisdom and prudence
Shaping men and women, in truth and spirit
Leading the world to achieve great dreams
Kutoka mwanzo hadi milele
Kwa mwito wa hekima na ufanisi
Kujenga vijana wenye uaminifu
Kwa muongozo wa enzi bora
Moulding the worlds great minds and talents
Into best ideas and great inventions
To shape the future of our great Nation
Seeking the grace and blessings of God
Kuzipanua bongo na vipawa
Kwa ujuzi bora, ubunifu pia
Kujenga maisha ya Taifa letu
Kwa neema na baraka zake Mungu